A Brief Survey of Proposals to Simplify Arabic Script

© Mamoun Sakkal 2002


El-Abdjadia El-Mouwahada title in two styles of disconnected letters based on Kufi calligraphy. Another attempt to reform the Arabic script by following a European printing script model.


An early sketch of the alphabet made by Mr. Bouhadjera in 1977 while he was a student at Lycee El-Kendy in Jijel, Algeria.


The Abdjadia El-Mouwahada designed by Mr. Bouhadjera in 1992 at Basingstoke, England incoroporates 32 symbols (28 letters + El-hamza as a complete letter + 3 other symbols) Mr. Bouhadjera describes his work as "Arabic can be written using a monumental script perfectly adapted to modern machines and computers with 100 % definition at any size, and all this without divorcing the script from the great tradition of calligraphy."

Figures and information above is from the author's website at http://bouhadjera.webs.com/alphabet.htm


| Back to Article: A Brief Survey of Proposals to Simplify Arabic Script |
| Side notes: Comparison of Latin and Arabic scripts | End notes | Bibliography |
| Arabic Calligraphy |

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