Arabic Calligraphy Name Translations
for Personal or Commercial Use

Names in Kufi style
Additional samples
Two name samples
Names in Thuluth style
Additional samples
Additional round Thuluth
Two name samples
Names in Naskh style
Names in Diwani style
Simplified Eastern Kufi (top)
Naskh Advertising Bold (middle)
Modern Naskh (bottom)

These are examples of simple name and phrase translations for personal (non-business related) use for $25 per word. Please note that some of the above names designed to fit into a circle will require an additional fee. We will provide you with a jpeg image that can be printed or used on your website. If you would like a printed version, please add $8 for shipping and handling. For printing on an 8.5"x11" sheet with border, please add $12. Review available styles here.

Simple Name or phrase translation for business or commercial use is $75 per word. When design work is required, each job will be quoted individually. Please send a brief description of job, company, and where artwork will be used for a price quotation. See examples here. Review available styles here.

Order ONLINE. Please include your name, how it is pronounced, and the style in the Comments/Special Instructions field of your order form.

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© SAKKAL DESIGN 1523 175th Place SE, Bothell, WA 98012, USA