The Road from Damascus, 2000
Searching Jenin, 2002
Light in the Palace, 2003
A Pen of Damascus Steel, 2004
Kisses from a Distance, 2012
Arabic calligraphy for book covers for
Cune Press, Seattle
The Road from Damascus, 2000
Four Freedoms, 2003
A Pen of Damascus Steel, 2004
Arab American Handbook, 2010
Arabic calligraphy for book chapter
titles for Cune Press, Seattle
Please click on images for more information
To learm more about the books or to order a copy please visit Cune
Press website
Project: Book cover and chapter titles
Client: Cune Press, Seattle
Designer/Illustrator: Mamoun
Sakkal 2003-2010
© SAKKAL DESIGN 1523 175th Place SE, Bothell, WA 98012, USA.